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WestCoast FISH background (003) H.heic

s u s t a i n a b l y  s o u r c e d  s u p p l y

West Coast Fish & Seafoods joined the 'Kendal Fish & Seafoods' name in 2015 and now operates from a purpose designed processing facility on Wyre Fish Dock based on Fleetwood Fish Docks.


The working day normally starts at 1 am, picking up orders from the 24 hour answering service, followed by the immediate preparation of those orders to ensure an early despatch so customers receive them on time.


The team at the wholesale unit in the Fleetwood operation have many years experience in the purchasing and processing of fish from trusted supply partners throughout the UK and Europe. The emphasis being our sustainable supply and quality. 


Ours is a personal and friendly service that ensures the products we supply meet your expectations in every way; delivered to you fresh, in one of our temperature controlled vehicles running 6 days a week - Monday - Saturday. 

c o n t a c t  u s 

 e n q u i r i e s 

0 1 2 5 3  7 7 2 1 6 7

2 4  h o u r  o r d e r  l i n e

0 1 2 5 3  7 7 2 6 5 6

e m a i l 

West Coast Fish & Seafoods
Units 16 - 20 Wyre Dock





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